Two valley parents lose battle against COVID-19, leaving 15-year-old daughter behind


A family in the valley is in mourning after losing not one, but two parents to COVID-19.

Madison Weil of News Channel 3 met Nicole Hughes, daughter of Terri and Jerry Manning, both of whom died the first week of September after being hospitalized for weeks.

“It was very difficult for the whole family,” said Hughes. “It was heartbreaking… it was a lot of shock and awe… I think our family is still in shock.”

Hughes says his mother Terri, 62, and stepfather Jerry, 61, died just eight hours apart after spending weeks side by side in the intensive care unit – a a testament to their true love and companionship until the very end.

Hughes says they have been married for almost twenty years.

“They were incredible, incredible people. I think the concept is you don’t know what you have until he’s gone, ”she said.

Hughes explains that in addition to her and her other adult siblings, Terri and Jerry leave behind a 15-year-old adopted daughter.

“My mom and stepdad adopted an amazing baby girl when she was eight and she is now fifteen. We grew up with it. She’s going through a lot right now, ”she said.

Hughes says she is now considering adopting him legally into her own family.

“I’m never going to be her mother … or replace her, but I absolutely want to be the best role model and sister I can be for her,” she said.

In addition to planning two unexpected funerals, Hughes is now trying to financially plan for adoption, child support, and a college fund.

“There are a lot of areas we weren’t ready for. There are a lot of financial circumstances such as guardianship, adoption … things that will help her with her medical care [needs]… its future, ”she said.

She says their family is filled with gratitude for the outpouring of love and support over the past few weeks.

“We can’t make up for their love… at this point it’s just a matter of giving them the best possible head start,” she said.

A GoFundMe page has been created to help cover current and future expenses. Click here to access this page


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