Two victims killed in the explosion of an Illinois factory are identified; 3 dead, 1 still not found


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By Phil Helsel

Authorities on Tuesday identified two more people who died in an explosion at an Illinois silicone plant while searching for a missing worker was continuing.

The Lake County coroner said Tuesday in a statement that Jeff Cummings, 57, and Byron H. Biehn, 53, had been killed in the blast Friday night at Waukegan's AB Specialty Silicones factory. , north of Chicago.

The Cook County Medical Examiner's Office had already identified a hospital worker who died Saturday at Allen Stevens. He died at the Loyola University Medical Center, according to Natalia Derevyanny, spokeswoman for the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office.

One person has still not been found, officials said.

The cause of the explosion, occurred around 21:30. Friday, remains under investigation.

"It's not over until we've located all the victims," ​​said Waukegan Fire Marshal Steve Lenzi, according to NBC Chicago.

Lenzi said Monday that there was no evidence of a criminal act and that the explosion was considered an accident. AB Specialty Silicones is a manufacturing and distribution company specializing in silicone-based ingredients.

"Something in the process went wrong," Lenzi said. "We do not see any malicious intent involved in the accident that occurred."

Lenzi said on Tuesday that the cause may not be known for at least a week or even months. He added that officials were conducting a slow and methodical search for the missing person.

Biehn's family in a statement to NBC Chicago stated that he was a long-time employee of the company and that he was "a beloved husband, father, son (brother-in-law) , a brother (brother-in-law), a godfather, an uncle and several friends "

"We are very grateful for the flow of prayer and support for Byron and our family," said his family. "We ask you to keep the victims, their families and first responders in your prayers."

Emergency personnel work on the scene of an explosion at AB Specialty Silicones on May 4, 2019. The explosion occurred Friday night.John Starks / Daily Herald via AP

One of the three dead was found at the scene of the accident after the explosion. Stevens died in a hospital and the body of the third worker, whose death was confirmed, was found in the damaged building Sunday afternoon, officials said.

Nine people were inside the facility when the explosion occurred. Lenzi said some of the staff were still there to help others get safe.

"Five people survived a massive explosion," he said on Monday. "There were heroes involved, there were heroes involved who put these people safe."


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