Type 2 Diabetes: Japanese sweet potato could lower blood sugar


Type 2 diabetes is a disease that causes the body to lose control of the amount of glucose in the blood. The body does not react properly to insulin and therefore does not produce enough. This causes a high blood glucose. If type 2 diabetes is not treated, complications can occur, including kidney failure, nerve damage, vision problems, heart attacks and strokes.

So what can you do to control your blood sugar and prevent it?

Healthy eating is just one way to do it. Experts recommend eating a wide variety of foods and consuming as little sugar, fat and salt as possible.

Although sugar should be kept to a minimum, a candy can help lower blood sugar.

Japanese sweet potatoes are a type of sweet potato that some experts believe could be beneficial for type 2 diabetes.

This is a type of purple sweet potato on the outside and yellow on the inside.

They tend to be more starchy and therefore sweeter.

This sweet potato strain contains caiapo, which has significantly reduced blood sugar.

One study showed that caiapo extract was able to significantly reduce fasting blood glucose levels and in two hours in participants compared to placebo.

It has also been shown that Caiapo reduces cholesterol, which can also be beneficial for type 2 diabetes.

But ordinary sweet potatoes could be just as effective in controlling blood sugar.

While ordinary potatoes have a high GI score, which is considered bad for blood sugar, sweet potatoes have low scores.

Some research has indicated that sweet potato flesh contains more fiber than skin, indicating that whole vegetables may be beneficial for diabetes.

In addition to a healthy diet, it is recommended to be active to reduce blood sugar.

The NHS states, "Physical exercise helps lower your blood sugar. You should aim for 2.5 hours of activity a week.

"You can be active anywhere, as long as what you're doing is running out of steam. This can be a brisk walk, climbing stairs and doing housework or gardening more strenuous. "

It has also been proven that delicacies from East Asia reduce blood sugar levels.


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