Type 2 Diabetes: Nuts Reduce Blood Sugar Level and Reduce Risk of Illness


Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which a person's blood sugar (glucose) level becomes too high. It can trigger symptoms such as excessive thirst, piss more than usual and feel very tired. Untreated, it can cause long-term complications to the eyes, nerves, kidneys and feet. A healthy diet can help control blood sugar, especially by eating a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables and starchy foods such as pasta, and minimizing sugar, fats and salt.

It has also been discovered that some foods have blood glucose lowering properties, such as nuts.

Nut snack is praised for its healthy fatty acids content and for keeping the heart healthy.

People with diabetes are more likely to suffer from heart disease or stroke. It is therefore important that their diet provides them with fatty acids, such as those found in nuts.

A 2018 study suggested that nut consumption was associated with a lower incidence of diabetes.

One of the most important features of nuts for diabetics is their effect on cholesterol levels, according to Diabetes.co.uk.

This explains: "Avoiding high cholesterol levels is essential for people with diabetes because high blood sugar levels increase the risk of narrowing of the arteries.

"Almonds, peanuts and pistachios very effectively reduce" bad "cholesterol. "Bad" cholesterol refers to small, dense particles of low density lipoprotein (LDL), too much of which can clog the arteries.

"Almonds, nuts, pistachios, pecans and hazelnuts reduce" bad "cholesterol by increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or" good "cholesterol levels. HDL eliminates "bad" cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease. "

Another food that has been found to reduce blood sugar is the onion.

A study of 42 people with type 2 diabetes showed that consuming 100 grams of fresh red onion reduced fasting glucose in just four hours.

In addition, a number of animal studies have shown that onion consumption was beneficial for the control of blood sugar levels.


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