Type 2 Diabetic Diet: Prevent Hyperglycemia Symptoms Through Breakfast Exchanges


Diabetes is a common disease that affects nearly four million people in the UK, and 90% of cases are caused by type 2 diabetes. The condition is caused by the pancreas not producing enough insulin hormone, or the body not reacting to insulin. The body needs insulin to convert blood sugar into usable energy. You could reduce your risk of developing diabetes symptoms by making some changes to your usual breakfast routine, it was revealed.

One of the easiest ways to reduce your risk of diabetes is to swap your sugary cereals for porridge, said the Diabetes UK charity.

Muesli or shredded wheat are also great alternatives to some cereals – even those you think are healthy, like granola, he said.

For a hint of sweetness, do not pour sugar on top, but simply add a few slices of fruit, he added.

"A healthy and satisfying breakfast can make all the difference," said Diabetes UK. "However, some traditional foods for breakfast contain sugar and fats.

"Although the packaging may give the impression that some cereals, such as cereals and bunches of cereals, look healthy, they are often full of sugar and fat.

"Instead, why not go to the porridge? Oatmeal or instant variety are both good – avoid those with added sugar, honey, gold syrup or cocoa powder.

"Yogurt can be a tasty alternative to cereals, but many low-fat yogurts are high in sugar. So, why not try making your own flavored yogurt?

"Buy plain natural Greek yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese. You can add fresh fruit and some nuts or seeds for even more flavor. "

If you prefer to eat toast in the morning, avoid using white bread and opt instead for full grain varieties, the charity said.

Avoid spreading jam on your toast, but crush it instead and use it as a substitute for jam.

Croissants, pastries and muffins could all increase your blood sugar and should be avoided, or at least minimized.

There are no foods that diabetics should actively avoid, but it's important to limit the amount of sugar, salt, and fat in their diet, the NHS said.

You should also look for low glycemic foods because they are less likely to cause peaks in blood sugar.

Talk to a nutritionist if you are worried about the foods you should be eating if you are diabetic.

In the meantime, you may be at risk of developing diabetes symptoms if you feel constantly tired, urinate more often than usual, and have blurred vision.

Early diagnosis of diabetes is crucial because it increases the risk of life-threatening complications, such as heart disease and stroke.


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