U.S. renewables industry hails Joe Biden election victory as ‘beautiful day’


The US renewable energy sector applauded the declared election of Joe Biden as the next President of the United States, with industry bodies highlighting the country’s potential to join the global climate leadership under the new administration.

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Solar Energy Industries (SEIA) CEO Abigail Ross Hopper said a Biden presidency “would advance clean energy by incorporating[ing] environmental justice, ”while Greg Wetstone, CEO of the American Council on Renewable Energy (Acore), called the election“ historic ”and one that would create“ the clean energy future that Americans want and that scientists say we need ”.

American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) CEO Tom Kiernan said Biden’s victory would “shape a cleaner, more prosperous energy future” for the country. And Liz Burdock, CEO of the Business Network for Offshore Wind, suggested the victory was a “vote for a future focused on solutions to climate change.” [and] re-engage on the international scene. “

the Associated press called Biden’s election over Donald Trump at 11:25 a.m. EST today. “Today is a beautiful day,” said an industry spokesperson Reload.

SEIA said it aims to outline its 100-day plan, based on the “pillars” of clean energy and climate policy, infrastructure development and workforce, with the new administration. “To lay the foundations for a strong clean energy economy”.

Hopper said, “We will seek progress with the new administration and all members of Congress on solar policies that achieve our environmental and economic goals and that uplift every community in a way that creates a better future for all Americans.”

Wetstone said: “We commend President-elect Biden on his pledge to immediately join the Paris Climate Agreement. Now is the time for the United States to move beyond climate denial and resume a global leadership role in the fight against climate change.

“An accelerated transition to renewable energy ensures both climate protection and economic prosperity. With more than $ 60 billion in annual investments and two of the country’s fastest growing job categories – wind turbine technician and solar installer – renewable energy can help jumpstart the U.S. economy, as it did in 2009 ”.

Wetstone added that Biden’s climate action strategy would “tackle climate change [and] enable our industry to create hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs across the country ”.

AP tweet stating Joe Biden beat Donald Trump to win the US presidential election Photo: Recharge

“We appreciate that the President-elect’s plan to advance clean energy incorporates environmental justice. And we share his belief that the United States must be ambitious on an unprecedented scale to meet the climate challenge.

Tom Kiernan, CEO of AWEA, said Biden had presented an “ambitious and comprehensive approach to energy policy that recognizes the ability of renewables to grow the U.S. economy and create a cleaner environment, while maintaining low electricity costs and combating the threat of climate change ”.

The US wind industry and its growing workforce of over 120,000 Americans stand ready to help put this plan into action and support the Biden administration in realizing the immense promise of renewables to add jobs well paid to the US economy and reach the president. -Select the 100% goal for a carbon-free America by the middle of this century, ”he said.

Burdock said: “The election of President-elect Biden places the offshore wind industry on the brink of substantial growth with the backing of an administration that promises to return the focus to renewables, offshore wind power among the beneficiaries. ”

The renewable energy political chasm between Donald Trump – who was an outspoken and ill-informed opponent of wind power – and Joe Biden was brutally exposed during the election campaign with the 45th US President calling wind turbines a “pipe dream” that cause more emissions than gas, while its challenger hailed the sector as the fastest growing source of jobs in America.

Biden pledged to join the Paris Agreement within 24 hours of arriving at the White House, with a plan to spend at least $ 2 billion on climate-related actions and decarbonize U.S. energy from here 2035.


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