10 tips to prevent asthma


Asthma blocks the flow of air into the lungs, causing breathing difficulties, coughing and wheezing, a chronic condition that affects tens of millions of people around the world.

If asthma is a minor inconvenience for some people, it can be considered a major problem for many.In the absence of definitive treatment, the goal is to control the disease by limiting exposure to the stimuli that trigger the symptoms .

Here's a set of tips for preventing asthma attacks, according to the Top 10 Home Remedies website:

Avoid humidity
The quality of the air, the weather and the pollution affect the condition of the patient.

2. Reduce exposure to dust
Contains small particles of pollen and mildew allergens.

3. Prevent mold formation
Grow in wet areas, especially in the kitchen and bathroom

4 – Stay away from smoking
Causes lung irritation and increases coughing and wheezing in patients.

5. Animals
Soft toys, fur, saliva and hair particles raise the symptoms of the disease.

6. cockroaches
Produce allergens in young children and infants.

7. avoid tensions
Causes a constriction of the airways and weakens the immune system.

8. exercise
Simple exercises such as walking, swimming and yoga.

9. Infectious diseases
Colds trigger respiratory attacks.

10. scheme

Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids.

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