13 ways to control appetite .. including avoid diet


Tomorrow – Excessive appetite is one of the most negative habits that millions of people in the world have to live with: they consume exceptionally high amounts of food, even when they are full. This problem affects people with health problems such as indigestion, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Some minor adjustments in diet and lifestyle can help end episodes of excessive food consumption by improving overall health.

According to scientific studies, Al-Arabiya, citing Healthline, has looked 13 ways to stop eating greedily and control appetite, reported the Anatolia News Agency.

1. Avoid compliance
Some people, when they engage in a diet and avoid certain foods, are of no help because they increase their food cravings. A study of 600 adult women revealed that their appetite and appetite increased later, after fasting and refraining from eating for a while. Doctors are advised to focus on reducing the amount of calories in order to lose weight, rather than depriving certain foods.

2. Avoid skipping meals
Establishing a fixed meal schedule is one of the most effective ways to stop binge eating. A scientific study showed that eating a big meal a day increased blood sugar levels and increased the "gerlin gherlin" hormone responsible for hunger, in addition to eating the same amount for 3 meals.

3. Practice meditation and yoga
One of the most important activities that help the body not to eat greedily is to practice meditation regularly and regularly. Studies have confirmed that meditation improves the overall behavior of the individual, including the behavior of food and maintains the frequency of meals regularly. A study of 50 people showed that practicing yoga for 12 weeks resulted in a significant reduction in hungry food consumption.

4. Keep the body moisturizing
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is a simple but effective way to reduce cravings and stop overeating. A recent study has shown that drinking a pint of water before eating a meal can reduce the number of calories consumed.

5. Eat more fiber
The fiber moves slowly in the digestive system, the feeling of fullness persists for a while and the desire to eat decreases, thus decreasing the appetite. A study conducted on a number of people revealed that consuming 16 grams of fiber a day increases their hormone level of satiety.

6 – cleaning the fast food kitchen
Experts recommend removing light processed foods from the kitchen such as potato chips, candies and canned foods. Replaced preferably with fruits, vegetables, protein foods, whole grains, nuts and seeds that can improve the diet.

7. exercise
Regular exercise such as walking, running, swimming, cycling and physical activity can prevent binge eating. A 6-month study, conducted on 77 people, showed that the increased frequency of regular physical exercise stopped eating binge eating in 81% of participants. Another study of 84 women found that regular exercise, combined with behavioral therapy, was more effective in reducing binge eating.

8. breakfast
A healthy breakfast will help you stay on track and reduce the risk of eating later in the day. A study conducted on 15 people showed that eating a high protein breakfast significantly reduced the levels of the hormone "Gerlin Gerlin". At the same time, another study has shown that eating oats rich in fiber and protein improves appetite control and increases fullness.

9. good sleep
Sleep does not only have an effect on hunger and appetite, it can also be linked to an avid diet. A study of 146 people found that people with anorexia reported that the symptoms of insomnia were much more serious than those with no history. Another study showed that short periods of sleep were associated with higher levels of the hormone responsible for hunger. In addition, sleep was related to less than 8 hours per night with increased body weight.

10. Social support
Talking to a friend when you feel stressed is a simple strategy to stop overeating. A study of 101 adolescents undergoing gastric bypass surgery showed that the social support they depended on was associated with reduced consumption. It is thought that a good social support system reduces the impact of stress and helps reduce the risk of unhealthy habits.

11. Increase the protein intake in meals
Eating foods rich in protein such as meat, eggs, nuts, seeds and legumes can help you feel full. A recent study showed that an increase in protein intake of 15% to 30% per day resulted in a significant reduction in body weight and body fat. Another study has shown that a protein diet improves metabolism and promotes fullness.

12. Plan your meals well
A study of over 40,000 people showed that meal planning was associated with improved quality of diet and reduced risk of obesity. It is also easy to stick to a regular diet, associated with a loss of appetite.

13 – undergo treatment if necessary
If a person is still suffering from hyperthyroidism, even after trying some of the strategies above, it may be time to seek treatment. The treatment for hypersensitivity may include different types of medications to help control appetite and to treat the underlying causes or symptoms.

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