25 tips will make you a professional at PUBG


PUBG is not just a video game that aims to kill as many competitors on the island, it needs intelligence and plans to know how to move, jump, choose timing, decide where and how to land what weapons to choose, which colors to choose.

Here are 25 tips to win the PUBG game

1. strategy

Remember that the game is based on the last survivor of 100 players on an island and does not kill as many competitors as possible. You can win even if you only kill the last opponent against you and your belief of this idea will make you to set your goal first and to determine imprudent movements, especially in dangerous places.

Most winners of the game follow the strategy of "staying" even though it is boring for others, like hiding in boats on the beach, in isolated rooms, in a secret tunnel or on the beach. bridge, so as not to be unnecessarily endangered.

2. Choose the place of landing

If you prefer to collect weapons, then fight and follow certain plans to ambush others, it is best to stay away from cluttered places such as factories and dense buildings where a large numbers of players come down and engage in violent clashes.

If you are an adventure lover and armed involvement from the start, these places suit you. In addition, it is best not to land on the edge of the map because you will have to travel long distances, which puts you in danger either because of the "zoon" blue, or because of ambushes.

3. Selection of weapons

It is preferable to engage in a door-to-door situation in which short-term weapons are used and, in most cases, medium-range weapons. Sniping is only used in the long term. as much as it does not have the possibility to reload it.

4. The element of surprise

If you hide in a cabin or in a room and approach one, it is possible that you meet players who are waiting to be here. They came specially for you and you will be exposed to a bomb. So you have to sometimes follow the surprise effect and go out quickly to kill them because they are not ready for now.

5 – jogging

If you want to escape the blue circle "Zun", try to run and the weapons are all behind your back and not in your hands, because the jog without weapons is faster.

6- shoes

The running speed is bare or the same size, but walking is quieter than the shoe, which will reduce the possibility of locating you for others.

7- clothing colors

Do not wear dark, red, pink and purple clothing, but try light colors to help you recognize the lightness of the soil, such as green plains and yellow wheat fields.

8 – hiding in the trees

Many people think that hiding in small trees is enough to hide them, but that's not true. Smart players can easily find you, including movement, weapon color and clothing color.

9. Where did he shoot?

A single blow in the head can be enough to kill the opponent, especially a powerful one. If he's wearing a helmet, he may need three shots, but in the rest of the body he needs more shots. He tries to pull his head.

10. Do not forget the doors

The doors of the gaming rooms are closed. If you enter a house and leave the door behind you open, you indicate to the competitors that you are inside this house, so do not forget to close it behind you.

11. escape from shooting

If you are exposed to a special shot from a distance by a sniper, you do not know how to react and you must escape. Do not run away because you will be able to set the target. Run right and left to cut the line of sight until you hide behind a tree or a building.

12 – amount of booty

If you see a player killing him or even killing him yourself, do not pick up his weapons immediately because you might be bullied from someone who looks at what happened, but wait a little while before someone comes looking for the weapons, then that he is shot.

13. vehicles

Used to travel long distances quickly, but it draws a lot of attention on the voice. Use it wisely.

14. Targeting vehicles

Do not be foolhardy when shooting vehicles because burning or injuring their commander is not an easy process because of the speed of movement and you may be harmed by locating your position.

15 – deprivation of the vehicle

If a player is stuck in a house and you want to deprive him of the vehicle, you can pull the wheels.

16. Swimming Strategy

When you cut a river, do not swim on the surface of the water, but dive under water so that no one will see you, especially since you can not use the water. weapon in the water, but pay attention to the icon of the lungs and the breathing process so as not to lose blood.

The bridges

One of the most dangerous places, there are many ambushes to kill others, even if you are in a vehicle, try to cross the bridge at the beginning of the game, swimming from the bottom or looking for a boat.

18 – crawling on the grass

Many believe that crawling between the grasses makes you completely disappear, but it depends on the color of the clothes and the distance that separates you from the opponent. The more distance there was, the easier it was to identify your position, especially in the movement position.

19. Negative crawling

Sometimes staying in the crawling position causes you to lose the element of surprise to others, and crawling limits the area of ​​correction and non-flexibility of the circulation, and one of the most serious drawbacks of the sleeping position that the competitors' heads are often in the head, which means a speed of death.

20. Arms ambush

Leave the weapons and equipment you do not need in the room to attract competitors who will think that the place is secure because of these abandoned remains. Here is the opportunity to express your luck and to manufacture the element of surprise.

21. Explore rooms and places

Before entering the rooms, try to explore them by moving the screen with your mouse, especially if you climb the stairs up to the upper floors, before showing your head, move the room to the room. screen to explore places to avoid ambushes.

22. Dispersion

If a rival enemy hides behind a tree and waits for your appearance, throw a smoke bomb to distract yourself and go one step further.

23. The moment to hide

If you hide behind a wall or a tree and another competitor does the same, here is the expectation of the other mistake, make sure to reveal yourself at random, and if you reveal it and wait that he be the owner of the first shot.

24. Final area

Do not leave yourself in an open space or in a room with many windows. If you can not get there early, move gently with the blue border and the narrower the place, the more you have to move. .

Leave tools

After recovering weapons, you give up everything you do not need, such as a frying pan, a sword and arrows. It helps you identify your place and movement with its dark colors, especially when hiding in the middle of a small tree.

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