3 signs of diabetes are not known

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Diabetes is a common disease caused by pancreatic dysfunction when the insulin produced is insufficient or the body can not interact with the hormone.

Without enough insulin, the body has trouble converting sugar in the blood into usable energy.

According to the English Express, citing medical sources, the first signs of insulin resistance in the body are the appearance of a dark color resembling dirt around the neck, which means that the body has become resistant insulin or, in other words, that body sugar exceeds normal limits.

It can act as a dark skin in all the flexing areas of the body and in mostly obese people.

The second sign is bad vision. "If you have trouble reading traffic signs, because of fluctuating fluid levels leading to eye inflation, the cause is high blood sugar.

Although advanced diabetes can cause permanent eye damage or retinopathy, poor vision in the early stages of the disease can be reversible.

The third sign is the time taken by the body to recover from a wound: those who have a higher sugar level do not heal their wounds quickly.

A high blood sugar reduces the amount of oxygen sent into the treatment of wounds, which reduces the immune system and slows down the healing process.

Many people have diabetes without realizing it because their symptoms can easily be confused with other medical conditions.

People over 40 are at highest risk of developing diabetes, as well as overweight people.

Early diagnosis is essential because patients can avoid serious complications.

Some include the most common symptoms of diabetes, a higher than usual urination and a feeling of excessive fatigue all the time.


Diabetes is a common disease caused by pancreatic dysfunction when the insulin produced is insufficient or the body can not interact with the hormone.

Without enough insulin, the body has trouble converting sugar in the blood into usable energy.

According to the English Express, citing medical sources, the first signs of insulin resistance in the body are the appearance of a dark color resembling dirt around the neck, which means that the body has become resistant insulin or, in other words, that body sugar exceeds normal limits.

It can act as a dark skin in all the flexing areas of the body and in mostly obese people.

The second sign is bad vision. "If you have trouble reading traffic signs, because of fluctuating fluid levels leading to eye inflation, the cause is high blood sugar.

Although advanced diabetes can cause permanent eye damage or retinopathy, poor vision in the early stages of the disease can be reversible.

The third sign is the time taken by the body to recover from a wound: those who have a higher sugar level do not heal their wounds quickly.

A high blood sugar reduces the amount of oxygen sent into the treatment of wounds, which reduces the immune system and slows down the healing process.

Many people have diabetes without realizing it because their symptoms can easily be confused with other medical conditions.

People over 40 are at highest risk of developing diabetes, as well as overweight people.

Early diagnosis is essential because patients can avoid serious complications.

Some include the most common symptoms of diabetes, a higher than usual urination and a feeling of excessive fatigue all the time.

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