3 steps to make sure no spyware is on your computer


Spyware is one of the most dangerous forms of malware, especially if the voyeur on your computer does not ask you for ransom in exchange for stolen information or erases your files.
Spyware may steal camera records from your device or recognize keyboard entries, such as passwords, to collect enough of your personal data to steal your identity or hack your accounts
Your device, each user must follow three main steps to keep his computer free of
The first step is to secure the system: you must create strong protection for your computer, with the help of antivirus software, and this protection needs to be updated from time to time, especially if
Technology experts say hackers take advantage of loopholes in security programs, because they do not update themselves, access computers , warn against free software and recommend improved versions of paid software from known companies. The next step is to avoid infection, computers like humans are exposed For viruses, spyware does not allow you to access your computer by connecting it to another dangerous device or by connecting it to a free unprotected internet.
The third step is the warning signs. It is also important to monitor the notifications that the device sends you automatically, perhaps one of them is an indication of the spyware installed on your computer.
If you notice a slowdown in your computer or a sudden drop in performance, Slows down the speed of the computer.

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