& # 39; Broken heart & # 39; .. illness and these symptoms


When you are under intense stress after a sudden death or divorce, or even a sudden joy, and you feel that your heart is broken, you do not exaggerate.

Scientists have stated that when a person is under heavy pressure after painful events such as death, separation or depression, or even after the sudden joy of winning a grand prize, the changes occur in his or her mind. heart and cause pain similar to that associated with a heart attack.

"Women are the most affected by this disease," she said. "What happens is that the person feels sudden and severe chest pain because of the high rise in stress hormone levels." Respiration and arrhythmia.

These can occur even if the person does not have a history of heart disease and can lead to severe heart failure.

Recovering from "broken heart" is short and takes days or even weeks, and is unlikely to happen again, except in very rare cases, while recovery from a heart attack takes a months or more.

Doctors can start by making a mistake in diagnosing the condition as they may consider a heart attack, especially since the symptoms and test results are similar, but with some testing and special attention to detail, the difference may to be detected.

"Broken heart" tests show dramatic changes in heart rate, as well as blood changes such as those in a heart attack, but unlike a heart attack, there is no evidence of heart failure. obstruction of the arteries in the "broken heart".

Tests that show the difference between the two diseases, "EKG", a test that records the electrical activity in the heart, in addition to the blood test, which will show the absence of heart failure.

Tests will prove that there is no obstruction in the coronary arteries, nor abnormal enlargement and movement in the left ventricle of the heart.

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