4 ways to prevent vitamin D deficiency in winter


Doctors extract a bullet that has remained in the chest of a 30-year-old man!

Doctors in the town of Nalchik, capital of Kabardin Balkar, Russia, performed a complex operation during which they took a 30-year-old bullet in the chest of a man. "The patient came to see us for a while and complained of chest pain, especially during the movement.After the necessary tests and x-rays, we discovered the presence of a foreign body in the right chest cavity, so we decided to undergo an operation to remove it, "said the doctor, Andre Tutokf. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram # листать⏩ Пуля, которая находилась в грудной клетке около 30 лет "решила себя проявить" болями, усиливающимися при движениях. ————- Пациент К., 1954 грай, в течении полутора месяцев начал испытывать боли и дискомфорт в оллатт …

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