5 effective ways to treat low back pain


Most people suffer from annoying back pain at some point in their lives, especially in the lower back, making normal movements difficult.

The Daily Express reported five simple ways to treat this pain:

1- back exercises

Simple back exercises and stretching at home can help strengthen back muscles and relieve pain, activities such as swimming, yoga and pilates can do the same.

2- Analgesics

Anti-inflammatory tablets such as ibuprofen can help relieve back pain, while the Ministry of Health warns that it is not suitable for everyone.

Stronger alternative medicines such as cudine may be suitable for those who can not take anti-inflammatory medications, but because of their strength should only be used for a few days at a time.

3 – hot or cold compresses

For some people, the affected area is exposed to heat by bathing in hot water or by putting a bottle of hot water on it, which can help relieve back pain.

For others, cold can help relieve pain by placing ice packs or a bag of frozen vegetables on the affected area.

The Ministry of Health recommends not to put snow directly on the skin as it could cause burns. It is therefore recommended to place the ice in a cloth.

4. Alternative treatment

Manual therapy consists of specialized therapists using their hands to massage and apply cautious movements to the muscles, bones, joints and around the spine.

This can help reduce back pain, but it should be used with other remedies, such as exercise.

5. Continue to move forward

One of the most important things you can do is keep moving forward and continue as normally as possible.

Bed rest may seem to help relieve pain, but people who stay active are more likely to heal faster.

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