5 natural ways to fight against aging


The appearance of facial wrinkles and the weakness of the ability to work, the person is disturbed and wishes to return to the stage of youth to do all that it can not, but can make life difficult. 39, an ever young person has followed a disciplined system in his life.

In addition to using cosmetics by Sky News, you can fight aging with the help of 5 simple methods, according to the British website "Thunder Media" on Tuesday.

sports practice

Visiting the gym, walking or running is one of the easiest exercises to keep young people looking. Sweat removes the toxins that make you lazy and its elimination renews your skin.

Simple daily exercises increase the efficiency of the blood circulation and ensure that the nutrients are delivered adequately and permanently to the skin, which will give your skin a cooler appearance.

Stop smoking

Smoking weakens the blood flow to the skin because it narrows the blood vessels in the outer layers of the skin. Nicotine leaves teeth on the teeth, which makes you look older.

Since the smoke yellows the fingers and nails, makes the lips dark blue and increases wrinkles around the eyes, doctors advise you to quit can get rid of all those things that lead to premature aging.

Drink water

All cells, tissues and organs in your body need water to function properly. Regular drinking water keeps your skin smooth while retaining its elasticity and resisting the appearance of wrinkles.

Water is also important for detoxification, body temperature maintenance and joint lubrication, all signs that the body is vital and youthful, regardless of your age.

Good eating

Does what we eat affect our appearance? Answer yes. Foods containing sugars lose a lot of flexibility to your skin, which gives you unwanted lines and wrinkles.

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants that help protect your skin from damage. A healthy diet gives you a graceful and youthful weight.


The sun's rays are useful for the body, they give the skin a rare freshness, but excessive exposure can destroy the elasticity of our skin and cause it to become wrinkles, which warns doctors.

The strong rays of the sun can destroy the DNA in skin cells, causing sagging and pigmentation. So be sure to use sunscreen or sunscreen if you are highly exposed to the sun.

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