5 reasons for the failure of the diet .. which foods low in fat … Masrawy


5 reasons for failure of a diet .. It's low in fat

9:17 p.m.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

I wrote – Nermin the Executioner:

Despite dieting and the refusal to eat most of your favorite foods, you may not notice the result you dream of over time, because of some erroneous habits that affect the effectiveness of the diet, according to the site "verywellfit". .

1. Random scheme:

At the beginning of the diet, most people rarely eat too much, but many calories lose weight again.

2. Omission to breakfast:

Eating a breakfast rich in fiber and protein reduces hunger and your body gives you energy.

3. Direct sleep after eating:

Gain weight after the meal. Sleep causes weight gain, which causes weight gain. Sleeping directly after meals also delays digestion, which numbs the stomach and can cause shortness of breath.

Eat too much low-fat food

In contrast, low-fat products do not necessarily contain a few calories and consuming a large amount of low-fat candy will lead to more calories than a small portion of ordinary candies.

5 – Drug Abuse:

Some medications can slow down metabolism or stimulate appetite, such as insulin, antihistamines, antidepressants and anti-inflammatories. Consult your doctor preferably.

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