5 serious diseases caused by frequent reproduction


Recent scientific studies have revealed a number of serious illnesses that may affect parents due to an increase in the maternity rate, especially if the number exceeds 5 children, and Veto examine the most important of these diseases .

A recent study found that five or more children had more than 70% of the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease because of a higher hormone rate than men. women who had fewer children.

For the high level of estrogen hormone with the end of pregnancy, as they found that women who did not complete their pregnancy due to abortion were more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease later in life.

Researchers from the Seoul University Medical School discovered that estrogen could have a protective effect.

The study was conducted on a group of 3,549 women in the cities of Seoul and Athens, up to the age of 17. Women provided information about their reproductive history, including the number of children who had miscarriages Measure memory and thinking skills to see if they have Alzheimer's disease Or a mild cognitive impairment.

The study, published in the July issue of the Journal of Pediatrics, found that 118 women had Alzheimer's disease and 896 had moderate cognitive impairment, and that 70% of women had at least five children. Of the 716 women with five or more children, 59 have Alzheimer's disease, compared to 53 out of 2,000 women and 751 women with fewer children.

Heart Failure
Diseases also caused by the multiplicity of "heart failures" in children, where researchers led the University of Cambridge in England Approximately 45,000 women aged 45 to 64 years found that mothers of five or more children with heart disease have more than 30% of mothers with one or two children, while the chances of suffering heart failure for about 17%. "We know that pregnancy and childbirth give the mother's heart under the weight of unconventional stress and tension, which becomes very dangerous," says Dr. Claire Oliver, researcher at the University of Toronto. 39, University of Cambridge. In order to raise children if their numbers increase, everyone must know these risks from the beginning. "

Stroke and Sugar
Another scientific study published in the journal Circulation confirms a direct link between the number of children, coronary artery disease and stroke, these studies have proven" This association exists both among women than men.

Dr. Regitz-Zagrosk, Head of the Cardiovascular Department of Cardiovascular Operations of the European Society of Cardiology, explained that these risks are reduced when parents have a child. , And then increase when they have two children.

Scientists have found the same link between the increase in the number of children and the risk of diabetes in women and men.

Increased Risk of Atrial Fibrillation
Researchers from the Institute of Population Health at McMaster University have Discovered The Risk of Atrial Fibrillation is Increased in Healthy Women If Their Pregnancies breed.

Researchers analyzed the medical and health data of 34,639 women who participated in the study on women's health compared to "These studies have shown that the increase in the number of pregnancies increases the risk of atrial fibrillation. "

The author of the study, George A. Wong, said that "our study should not work to discourage women from having children, Our research confirms that the". Increasing the number of cases for pregnancy and procreation in women, increases the risk of these diseases, but further research is needed to help us understand why. "
This is the story of Vito

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(Source: News

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