
We have often heard of celebrities and prominent figures spying on their own information and broadcasting it to the public, causing many disasters. So many people see personal information as a "red line" that no one should approach or compromise.
Whether your e-mails, photos, or videos are secrets, you should not be allowed to see them except your will. We offer you 5 steps to protect your personal information online:
1. Multiple and unique passwords:
Many webmasters use the same password on all their personal pages and in their emails because it is difficult to save more than one password, which makes it possible to hack all your information on all sites, but there is a new option to save all your passwords "KeePass, a free Microsoft password management program that stores passwords in a keyword file and is coded with modern AES algorithms. Each password is stored in secure encrypted memory.
2. Do not assume that the services are safe for your information:
Online storage sites like DropBox are great for securing your information, but you do not need to rely too much on it. If you are concerned that your own information may be disclosed to you, you can use encryption services such as "BoxCryptorr".
3. Be careful in sharing information:
When you browse the Internet, data is always populated or given to connect to sites. Companies use them to analyze and use the data you collect for their own purposes. Therefore, if you want to enjoy greater privacy, do not dictate them and do not save this data. You can use "BugMeNot" to avoid this problem.
4. Do not give your own information:
You must know that providing personal information such as "name, address, phone number", etc. It's not easy on the internet. Many people do not realize that the information they post on forums and social media platforms can be grouped together to form a complete picture. The name of the practice is "doxing", so it is best not to publish or write any personal information about yourself on any of your communication sites, comments or publications.
5 – Disconnect from the sites you enter:
This is the scenario that always happens when you decide to take a break from work and leave your personal page open on your computer so that everyone can sit on that computer or on the traffic next door to see all your data; this happens all the time and you can avoid it A road disconnects from any site that you can use on any public computer.
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