5 steps to relieve the suffering of women during menopause!


5 steps to relieve the suffering of women during menopause!

Date: 2018-10-20 21:01

It is often cited as a symptom of painful menopause, one in four women suffering from anxiety can last for 15 years.

Anxiety is a common symptom of menopause, which can manifest in various ways, including feeling uncomfortable and having a heart attack.

Some may cause shortness of breath, chest pain, sweating, dizziness and heart palpitations. Infectious problems are also common and can lead to symptoms that affect daily life.

Studies that measure the number of women with menopausal anxiety vary considerably, with some women estimating that one in ten suffer from anxiety, while others see rates as high as 3 out of 4 women.

But most studies suggest that about a quarter of women report feeling anxious after menopause. Complementary therapy with hormones and antidepressants may help relieve anxiety during menopause.

Dr. Meg Arol, a psychologist at Healthspan advises, suggests ways to treat anxiety during menopause:

1 – Tell you

The research conducted by Australian psychologist and researcher Amanda Dicks has revealed the complex relationship that exists between emotional wellbeing and the image of the body. Dr. Dix emphasized the importance of understanding the context of women when thinking about symptoms, as many aspects of our culture and environment exacerbate the psychological state.

However, the positive alternative vision is the ability to enhance feelings towards body image, enhancing self-confidence and self-esteem. This research has shown that doing so can improve menopausal and psychological symptoms.

Therefore, some time should be spent on personal care, and some of the auctioneers reduce anxiety.

2. meditation

According to a study of more than 1,700 women presented at the annual Menopausal Society of North America meeting, mediating middle-aged women are less likely to suffer from menopausal symptoms and less stress than those who do not. do not do it.

3. yoga

Yoga is known to benefit the public and the mental health of the general public. This seems like a good way to relieve anxiety during menopause.

A study by a research group in Germany identified five high-quality studies comparing yoga to another type of exercise in 582 women.

The researchers studied different types of symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, sleep problems, pain and fatigue, hot flashes and night sweats, as well as problems with sexual dysfunction and bladder. .

Overall, there were signs of improvement in symptoms described as psychological, including anxiety. So, the usual practice of yoga deserves to think if you suffer from anxiety during menopause.

4. Relaxation and massage sessions

Complementary non-surgical therapy is based on the theory that the "reflection zones" on the feet, leg, hands, face and ears correspond to different areas of the body.

Self-report scores for anxiety and depression in women were improved after treatment with a reduced frequency of hot flashes and night sweats.

5. eat supplements

There are many nutritional supplements for menopausal symptoms, such as sage leaves that help reduce hot flashes and night sweats. Rhodiola also helps reduce stress and improve energy levels to overcome anxiety and fatigue.

St. John's wort can improve the mental and physical symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, depressed mood, anxiety, libido disorders and fatigue.

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