5 tips for women with irritable bowel syndrome


Gastrointestinal problems are one of the most common health problems in women, while Irritable Bowel Syndrome is one of the most common digestive problems and can sometimes lead to serious health problems.

With this in mind, the British Daily Mail has published a series of tips for women with irritable bowel syndrome, as follows:

1 – control of the stool
The fecal form is an indicator of intestinal transit and helps you to determine the digestive problem you are having. So try to monitor your bowel movements and prescribe it to your doctor so that you can accurately diagnose your digestive problem.

2. Check that there is no blood in the stool
You must inform your doctor if your stool contains blood as it may be a sign of inflammatory bowel disease or bowel cancer.

3. Eliminate stress
Several studies have shown a link between stress and stress on one side and irritable bowel syndrome on the other. Stress must be alleviated to relieve irritable bowel syndrome.

4. exercise
If you are constipated, exercise has a positive effect and helps relieve it. Doctors are advised to exercise for 30 minutes at least three times a week to relieve the symptoms of constipation.

5. Probiotics
Probiotics are living bacteria and yeasts have different health benefits, especially for digestion. It is therefore useful to take probiotics in the form of supplements or by eating foods containing cabbage or pickles.

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