Fruits are an important source of nutrients because they contain digestion-facilitating fibers, vitamins and minerals that have many health benefits for our body.
Here is a list of five types of fruits that should be included in the daily diet because of their benefits to the digestive system and immunity in the body:
1 – berries
All berries contain many nutrients. In addition to being very high in fiber, the berries contain very little fat and calories and are rich in antioxidants.
2. apples
Helps to lose weight because it is rich in dietary fiber and flavonoids and helps to increase the feeling of fullness. Soluble apple fibers help extract water from the digestive system and turn into gelatin during digestion, slowing down the digestive process and helping to gently push the stool into the intestines.
3- Watermelon
The water content of the watermelon helps to lose weight and contains negative calories that burn more fat during digestion.
4- orange
Oranges contain few calories and fat, are very nutritious and strengthen the immune system. It is also very rich in antioxidants.
This crunchy green fruit helps improve intestinal transit and promotes digestion. The proteins and fibers of this fruit take a long time to digest, which helps maintain a feeling of fullness for longer periods.
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