7 important tips to protect your smart phone from cyber criminals .. Do not be naive


As you rely more than ever on your smartphone, personally and professionally, are you doing enough to protect it and keep it stolen? If the answer is no, here are some simple tips to keep cyber criminals away from your phone, no matter what type of smartphone you use.


It is very important to back up your files, such as images, videos, contacts and text conversations, so you will not regret if your phone is stolen.

Use of a strong password

All smartphones give you the PIN password, style or biometric access score to confirm your identity, and both Lock your device, Another access to your information If your device is lost or stolen, the Fingerprint or Face Recognition feature is more secure than the password you can guess.

Beware of applications

Download applications from reliable sources with a good reputation, always adhere to official stores such as App Store or Google Play . Before downloading to confirm that it is legitimate, do not be the first to download something new, and do not forget to read the permissions of the application and not to blindly accept the terms and conditions.

Do not Be Naïve

Remove unsolicited text messages or emails from unknown people, do not click on any embedded links or attachments, and do not write or reconnect to any phone numbers unknown. And more and more send spam messages to smart phone users to steal them.

Prevention is better than cure

You need to install anti-virus software, especially if you are an Android user. These apps not only protect your computer from viruses and other malware, Protect your privacy and scan applications and files for threats.

Binary Authentication

In addition to having a good password or password, choose Binary Authentication, which means that you will not only need your password to access your password. account via the Internet, but also a unique code For your mobile phone, to confirm your identity already.

Navigate Safely

Use VPN Encrypted when you spend time on the web, hiding your identity online, making your browsing safer, or using Incognito mode. log and cookies while browsing are closed.

Source: 7th day

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