8 reasons to feel cool body in the summer .. know it


Some are cold despite the high temperature of summer, for many reasons, requiring medical examinations and treatment, which we recognize in the following lines, according to the site Health . "

Low Body Weight

Low body weight means low fat, eating a low calorie diet and avoiding foods containing important components such as proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates, which reduce body temperature.

Thyroid problem

Coldness is a sign of hypothyroidism, which means that the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, which prevents the body from producing enough of heat.The other signs of hypothyroidism are hair loss, dry skin, Tired.

Low levels of iron in the body

Low iron levels are one of the most common causes Frequent feeling of cold because iron is an essential metal that helps red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body.An iron component by eating certain foods like meat, eggs, leafy vegetables such what spinach and seafood.

Poor circulation

Poor circulation in the body, causing a cold sensation especially in the hands and feet, because when a circulatory problem prevents blood flow to the limbs , suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Sleep Disorders

Sleep deprivation causes destruction of the nervous system, excretion of regulatory mechanisms in the brain that affect body temperature, and studies indicate that not getting enough sleep causes a decrease of the activity of the hypothalamus, In the brain and regulates the body temperature, causing a sensation of cold.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The body needs vitamin B12 to make red blood cells that carry oxygen to the body, but when vitamin B12 deficiency or a low number of red blood cells causes chronic coldness B12 due to poor diet free of lean meat, fish and dairy products.


Diabetes causes neuropathy that causes sensation of the hands and feet, disrupting the function of the nerves responsible for brain transmission in terms of temperature, so that the diabetic feels cold feet and hands .

Lack of muscle mass in the body

Helps muscles maintain body temperature by producing heat, so lack of muscle contributes to the feeling of cold.

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