Eating the eye of the camel every day reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes


  Ain al-Jamal reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes every day
Eating a camel every day reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes

A new study, supervised by American researchers, The risk development of type II diabetes.

According to the newspaper's website, "Daily Mail", British research, which has involved more than 34,000 American adults who eat any type of camel eye every day will reduce the likelihood of Infection, that eating three spoons reduces the prevalence of sugar type 2 by 47%.

"The strong relationship we see in this study with camel eye consumers and the low prevalence of type 2 diabetes are an additional justification for the inclusion of the eye of the eye. camel in the diet, "says Dr. Lenor Arab.

Further research has shown that the camel's eye can also be useful for the cognitive functions of the brain and cardiovascular health and liver.

It should be noted that an earlier study found that the camel's eye promotes cardiovascular health and diabetes because it contains alpha-linolenic acid and omega 3 fatty acids

Source: Beauty