So you can defeat mosquitoes in summer


Step to Health highlighted how people can avoid it in the summer

In this report, the site claims that it is the female mosquito that stings, using its needle-shaped mouth to suck the blood of his victim, To produce eggs. The following is a presentation of the most important ways to prevent mosquito bites during the summer "according to an Arabic translation 21".

The site has expressed that mosquito bites cause pain. The resulting saliva leads to the appearance of red bumps on the skin, accompanied by certain symptoms, such as itching, pimples and rashes. But the biggest threat to mosquito bites is that they can cause diseases like dengue fever and malaria.

The site reports that mosquitoes are present around the world and more than 3,500 species have been reported. Each female puts about 3,000 eggs a year. For these reasons, it is by no means possible to avoid biting, but some people are more genetically susceptible to mosquito bites.

The site reported that the causes of mosquitoes target other people than their blood group. Some studies have shown that type O mosquitoes attract more mosquitoes than people with blood A. On the other hand, mosquito bites are linked to the presence of certain substances such as cholesterol, sweat, fever, and other infections. ammonia and lactic acid. Mosquito bites can become very entrenched in areas of the body where skin bacteria are densely present and when body temperature is high.

The site is guided by the fact that nocturnal mosquito bites are very common. She seems to have a biological clock like humans, guiding her at night in search of her strength. In general, mosquitoes are attracted to people who emit large amounts of carbon dioxide, such as the elderly and pregnant women. On the other hand, these insects are attracted to those who do not wash or move too much or who use a sweet scent or who suffer from excessive perspiration on the feet.

The website reports that mosquitoes do not have a clear vision, but the smell is strong. For his victim. The response to mosquitoes varies from person to person. In order to avoid the night bites, it is recommended to use an insect repellent, being extremely cautious by avoiding watering on places such as the mouth, the eyes, wounds and areas exposed to the sun

The lesser you keep it, knowing that its effect can last about eight hours.

The site was advised to use mosquito nets, which are placed on doors, windows and around the family, and some insecticides can be sprayed on them, to increase protection against mosquitoes. Mosquito bracelets can also be used for ketone oil and other repellents.

The site suggests that some long-haired, appropriate clothing with light colors could be used to protect the person from mosquito bites. On the other hand, natural medicine can be used by sprouting or mosquito repellents at the entrances of the house, such as vinegar, basil, eucalyptus and thyme.

In conclusion, mosquito bites can be avoided such as sterilizing hot water sheets and cleaning with a vacuum cleaner for the protection of insects. If the person is bitten by mosquitoes, it is recommended to wash the sting taking care not to scratch it and place cold compresses. If the pain is more severe than normal, the antihistamine recommended by the doctor can be used. If the sting is exposed to infection, go to the nearest hospital

Source: Egyptians

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