Create Robots to Help Patients with Alzheimer's


Scientific teams around the world have developed a range of robots to accomplish different tasks and help Alzheimer's patients and their loved ones cope with and overcome its effects.

Alzheimer's disease is a difficult test not only for patients but also for their loved ones. To alleviate this burden, a group of scientists and doctors automates some of the care functions, programming specialized robots to treat patients with Alzheimer's

Making a Paro (small seal) to ionize the lymphatic system. Alzheimer's unit and replace pets.

Other robots such as the robot "Silbot13" (invented by South Korean scientists) help the patient get out of bed or lie down, and remind him to take his medication on time and to evaluate Temperament, if necessary send a message to parents to learn b

The Irish robot invented the MARIO, a companion of the Alzheimer patient, who supports social networking, with various applications including music, news and This robot can remind the patient of his past by presenting his old photos and information on his life stages. Like a pass in front of him like a bar of memories.

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