What is vitamin D related to the poisoning of pregnancy?


Researchers confirmed that the level of vitamin D in the blood of a woman was probably not related to the risk of hypertension or poisoning during pregnancy .

Pregnant women generally have low levels of vitamin D, which, according to some studies, could increase the risk of poisoning during pregnancy.

Some studies suggest that vitamin D supplements may protect against high blood pressure in pregnant women, while other studies suggest that supplements have not prevented hypertension blood.

For further research, Maria Mangos of the University of Bristol and her colleagues conducted a genetic analysis to determine whether genetic changes associated with vitamin D production and metabolism were impacting the risk of poisoning or hypertension.

According to a report published in the journal BMG on the Internet, the team studied the cases of 7389 women infected 751 of them suffering from high blood pressure during pregnancy and 135 d '. Poisoning during pregnancy in two major European studies. The team also examined two more samples of a genetic analysis involving 3388 women with preeclampsia.

The results of the genetic analysis have shown no evidence to support the cause-and-effect relationship between vitamin D levels and the risk of pregnancy or poisoning. of arterial hypertension during pregnancy. "We have evaluated only the risk of hypertension or poisoning during pregnancy, so we can not rule out that vitamin D supplementation may be helpful in comparison to other pregnancy-related issues. ", said Mangus in an email to Reuters Health. "Previous studies have shown that low vitamin D levels during pregnancy are associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, but previous studies have also shown that vitamin D supplementation does not prevent women pregnant, "says Effat Abbasi Hoskins, professor of obstetrics and gynecology. Hypertension. "

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