The synthetic bleach gives girls the hope of a pregnancy after chemotherapy


According to RT Arabic (Russia Today), Al Wasat's newspaper website contains an artificial whitening agent that gives girls the hope of a pregnancy after chemotherapy.

Al-Wasat Newspaper – Scientists grant young girls inability to reproduce again in pregnancy after they invent artificial ovulation.

Girls generally adopt the technique of freezing the ovaries that produce eggs before they undergo chemotherapy and then recover them, but cancer patients may be exposed again to cancer cells in the ovarian tissue.

The new technique inhibits cancer by removing all possible cancer cells from ovarian tissue patients, leaving only a protein structure that no longer contains cells, thereby eliminating the risk of cancer again.

This technique provides an appropriate environment for ovarian follicles that can continue to produce and grow eggs, and which can then be grown in the patient's body to allow the production of eggs naturally each month.

This technique was discovered by Dr. Susan Burs of the Rigshospitalit Reproductive Biology Laboratory in Copenhagen at the conference of the European Society of Reproduction and Human Embryology (ESHRE) in Barcelona.

According to Dr. Burs, artificial ovary technology can allow human eggs to grow "in a tissue free of malignant neoplasms" in the laboratory.

"This technique may offer a new strategy for maintaining fertility without risk of malignant cells returning," she said.

Experiments have been conducted on mice, and have been a remarkable success that is pushing scientists to conduct further research on humans over the next five years.

Source: Daily Mail

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Source: Arab RT (Russia Today)

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