The "metal" can treat insomnia and improve sleep!


Insomnia is a real problem for many who do not exercise and consume large amounts of caffeine after 15 hours or suffer from high levels of stress hormone.

Studies have shown that magnesium supplements can improve the sleep efficiency and natural levels of melatonin, a key hormone to regulate normal sleep.

A new study found that magnesium applied directly to the skin could move the metal to the body faster and more efficiently than other supplements, and help improve the quality of sleep in 92% of sufferers of insomnia

. What is associated with awakening is stress, anxiety or depression "These are conditions that can be exacerbated by magnesium deficiency," says nutrition expert Greg Wazerhead.

Weshehrd adds that "Magnesium is one of the most abundant metals in the body and its entire cells.Is responsible for over 300 biochemical functions in the body and sufficient amounts allow it to develop more bones. strong, produce more efficient energy and increase resistance to disease. "

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