How to deal with a woman who is mentally ill


The psychological conditions experienced by a woman may be due to many problems and the stress of life, and depression is one of the psychological diseases that can affect the woman after several years of marriage.
Many couples may have problems with a woman who suffers from psychological problems, the husband has the habit of dealing with the woman in a certain way and can treat it in a softer way when she knows that the woman may suffer from a psychological problem However, it is possible to negatively affect the woman, she needs special attention and treatment, and it is possible through Many Steps to Overcoming the Psychological Problem of the Wife That Goes Through:

1- Dialogue:
Dialogue is among the languages ​​that work to reveal what a sick and psychologically ill woman goes through A bad psychological condition , must be a frank dialogue with the woman and let her talk about everything that goes on in her chest and feel depressed and make her reaction unexpected, and the husband must explain to the woman that he will not leave them alone d these problems. In everything that concerns her and that she will not be alone in the face of these problems.

2 – Do not get angry or despair of trying to discover the cause of his illness:
A mentally ill woman may suffer from negative energy that disrupts her and makes her easier to feel. About a good way to deal with the woman and not having a reaction makes her angry.

3 – The positive feelings of the woman must be strengthened:
In case of failure to prevent negative feelings felt by the wife suffering from mental illness, it is necessary to talk about positive feelings who will actually expel these feelings, Many circumstances to the woman to be very happy that you can go out to the places you like, and women are known for their love to buy the new one, it is possible to take them on a purchase and buy what you like.

4 – Try to help them as much as possible:
the husband's duties towards his wife to help her in many things if she had time to help her at home or to solve his psychological problems and he could not talk to him so talk to him and solve his problems.

5. To ensure that she suffers from a psychological or psychological problem:
The husband must take his wife to the psychiatrist to make sure that she is suffering from an illness. Specific mental illness in order to be able to solve the problem immediately and leave the woman without treatment This can cause a lot of other mental problems and illnesses.

6. Patience:
Among the most important factors that provide the woman with many important and necessary things is her husband's patience on the psychological issues do not pass, so the wife feels the importance of the husband and the provision psychological support by the surrounding woman Husband, family and friends can go beyond this stage and constitute a good step in the treatment and elimination of mental illness.

Allah enjoined us, as well as the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), to treat them well and not to compel them not to enter into a bad psychological state. [Jsid=id;jsasync=true;jssrc=”http://connectfacebooknet/ar_AR/alljs#appId=775809312630290&xfbml=1″;dgetElementsByTagName('head')[0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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