A common condition can cause dementia!



  A common condition that can lead to dementia!



A Common Disease That Can Lead to Dementia

A recent American study found that thin people exposed to high levels of fat may be more likely to develop dementia.

The researchers found that obesity called "meat atrophy," which leads to lean appearance (atrophy of muscle mass) and high body fat, is associated with declining body weight. memory and self-control. It is believed that cognitive decline occurs by causing fat in the inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain.

Researchers at the University of Florida analyzed 353 people with a mean age of 69 years. The authors of the study published in the Journal of Clinical Interventions, Dr. James Galvin, stated, "The label (meat atrophy) was associated with overall cognitive weakness and dysfunction in skills. specific cognitive, including memory, speed and executive functions. "

" Understanding the mechanisms that this syndrome can affect cognition is important because it can help prevent cognitive decline with age, he said, targeting vulnerable groups (N = f .fbq = function) (n {f .fbq}). .callMethod?
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