A magical drink gives you "slimming" .. and protects you from infections
In some popular songs for the sweetness of taste and benefits.
Mango is one of the most famous fruits in the world, and surprising that the popularity and popularity of mango not only sweet taste, but the benefits of health and wonderful science will make you want.
1. Weight reduction
A cup of fresh mango contains 100 calories and 83% water by weight. According to a study conducted by Penn State University, the consumption of compound foods with a large amount of water and a low energy density effectively helps reduce body weight. On the other hand, eating fruit before a meal contributes to a 15% reduction in caloric intake.
2. Nutritional Value
Mango contains more than 20 vitamins and minerals, of which 100% of daily vitamin C requirements help strengthen the immune system, maintain teeth and gums, and promote collagen and thin skin formation.
3. Soothing Inflammation
Mangoes contain many anti-inflammatory compounds, including vitamin C and beta-carotene. A recent study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research revealed that mango has the potential to promote nutrition as a source of glutathin, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties.
Source: Nileen
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