After this discovery .. Is there new hope for life on the red planet?


  After this discovery .. Is there new hope for life on the red planet?

Scientists discover bacteria resistant to harsh chemicals on Mars

Who Resist the Few Chemicals on Mars, Are a Tangible Guide to Life on Earth red planet.

The researchers found that these bacteria can be activated by extreme temperature conditions and so-called "perchlorates" in the soil of Mars.

These bacteria can be Active in the Arctic on the planet Pluto and the moons orbiting Saturn and Jupiter

The discovery of the oceans on the surface of the "Moon Europe" sixth closer to the moon Jupiter, organic matter on Mars, and hydrothermal in the moon of Saturn, "Enceladus" That there is life elsewhere, yet this life is considered to have harsh environments.

Researchers from the Technical University of Berlin, Tufts University, Imperial College London and the University of Washington tested the ability of bacteria that lives on Earth and called "blockococcus halocriophilus".

Scientists have presented bacteria with sodium chloride, magnesium and calcium as well as with perchlorates, this chemical – which drastically reduces the freezing point of water – is toxic at high concentrations.

The researchers wanted to determine if they could kill the bacteria and found that survival rates The life of bacteria in perchlorates was actually much lower than all other solutions.

However, according to Jakob Heinz of the Berlin Technical University, the presence of a chemical does not prevent life on Mars or elsewhere.

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