Warning … Do not heat the rice!


News Now Great Britain – (Agencies)

Housewives often cook large quantities of rice for family members, and heat them the next day, but experts warn, and insist that Rice storage method Seriously

Although many people believe that the risk of food poisoning may be due to the consumption of meat, the fact is that food poisoning can result from l? ingestion of heated rice
. Rice is not without damage, and human exposure to serious problems such as diarrhea and diarrhea "The proper procedure is to heat the rice only once after cooking, and the cooling process in the refrigerator should take place after a maximum of one hour of cooking The storage period in the refrigerator should not exceed 24 hours

Uncured rice sometimes contains bactericidal bacteria called Bacillus cirrus and can survive to food after cooking, which increases the risk of poisoning.
The way rice is cooked in the world is a source of errors due to lack of attention to content They also recommended cooking rice in a large amount of water until the chemical components of arsenic are removed during the preparation process. ns a saucepan of water overnight before cooking reduced by 80% the risk of heart disease and cancer. percent.

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