How to treat diarrhea during pregnancy


News: How to deal with diarrhea during pregnancy, we always want to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site News News website, a site of Information was created in 2016 to provide comprehensive news content on the Arab and international scene. Many reliable sources of information, where we are eager to follow all that is new on the political, technical and social scene. sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the News News site, how to deal with diarrhea during pregnancy, Dhakm and trust us dear visitors, how to treat diarrhea during pregnancy

Sunday, July 8, 2018 1:05 Akhbari News while constipation is a known side effect of pregnancy, suffering from diarrhea, a third of women -. The opposite problem.

Why does diarrhea occur during pregnancy?
Normally everything in the bowel section slows down directly during pregnancy. Therefore, if you have a free gut, this may be due to external factors such as a sudden change in diet or prenatal vitamins or other drugs or stomach flu or, in extreme cases, a food poisoning, says Susan Wong, gynecologist and obstetrician at St. Joseph Health Center in Toronto.

A warning: diarrhea is often increased in the third trimester thanks to the release of the chemical prostaglandin, which causes uterine contraction (this is also why you visit the bathroom more during your period). Some women have bad diarrhea before they go to work, and it's quite normal, even unpleasant.

How to deal with diarrhea during pregnancy
The good news is that there are ways to slow things down when the intestines move too little or quickly. The best line of defense for treating diarrhea during pregnancy is the same as that treated outside pregnancy: eliminate potential causes (if you think vitamins or other medications are bad, consider changing them) and foods that cause problems , including dairy products. Anything that contains an abundance of sugar or caffeine, such as juices and soft drinks. Instead, eat foods that are known to be pleasant to the digestive system, such as apples, bananas, soups, vegetables such as green beans, carrots or sweet potatoes, cookies and toast.

Hydration is also important during pregnancy, as dehydration can cause and exacerbate certain symptoms, such as headaches, nausea, swelling, dizziness and even premature delivery. Try to keep a bottle of water or a sports drink at your side.

If all else fails, talk to your doctor about taking an over-the-counter antidiarrheal drug.

When is diarrhea dangerous during pregnancy?
Most cases of diarrhea during pregnancy are harmless and will disappear within a few days. But if you find that you are attached to the toilet for more than two days, or if you are accompanied by blood or fever with diarrhea, it is time to call your doctor. You should also consult your doctor if you suspect food poisoning: Lystarias, an infection caused by food contaminated with Listeria, may be exposed to the placenta and your baby is at risk.

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