Phil Spencer talks about collaborating with Japanese developers to work on the next generation of the Xbox platform


  Phil Spencer talks about collaborating with Japanese developers to work on the new generation of Xbox platform
Phil Spencer talks about collaborating with Japanese developers to work on the new generation of Xbox platform

Phil Spencer is the # 39, Microsoft administrator responsible for the Xbox platform. And was promoted last year to become one of Microsoft's top executives and works directly under Satya Nadila, the company's president.

Phil Spencer, for the first time at E3 2018, was launched in June for the advent of the new generation Xbox, although the company has launched its most home appliance powerful of all times. Xbox One X 6 TeraFLOPS last November.

At a meeting with Famatsu's Japanese magazine, Phil Spencer confirmed that he had visited Japan several times in recent days to visit and cooperate with Japanese developers. Spencer confirmed that the updated generation of Xbox devices is being developed with the players in the first place, and has confirmed that he is engaged in discussions with Japanese companies to put their claims into account.

Phil Spencer confirmed that he was satisfied with the good support of the Xbox platform by many Japanese developers

Source: Electronic