What carbohydrate alternative? UAE News


Carbohydrates are the first type of food pointed to by the fingers in case of being overweight, and if you are new to weight loss, you might be intrigued by the search for substitutes for pasta, rice , bread and potatoes. But the truth is that there are alternatives to satiety, and provide a good amount of healthy fats and nutrients that give energy to the body. Here's what the low carbohydrate diet depends on:

Eat two pounds of fresh vegetables per meal instead of rice or other starchy carbohydrates

Vegetables. All slimming diets depend on vegetables because they do not increase blood sugar, bring a lot of nutrients needed by the body in a few calories, in addition to the fiber content, which increases the feeling of satiety. Eat two cups of fresh vegetables per meal instead of rice or similar starchy carbohydrates.

Fish and meat. This is not the list of processed meats like hamburgers, sausages and lunches, but lean meats like free-skinned chicken breasts or grilled lean beef steaks, and of course the fish grilled, not fried.

Healthy meat instead of carbohydrates to prolong the time to feel full and relieve hunger and hunger.

Dairy products and eggs . The alternatives that help you lose weight are low fat milk and yogurt, as well as low fat dairy products. Low fat eggs and cheese are considered an appropriate food to satisfy satiety and provide the body with calcium and protein.

Starches Eat a meal equivalent to the size of the handle of carbohydrates such as: rice, pasta, potatoes or a slice of bread, and on the mentioned alternatives above.

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