Google secretly develops a successor to the Android operating system


A small group of Google engineers has been working for over two years on a new operating system that, he hopes, will replace the world-dominant Android operating system, but this team has to overcome some of the internal problems of the system. Fuchsia, where the project was created from scratch to overcome the restrictions imposed by the Android system because more personal devices and other tools are available online.

The new system is designed to better handle voice commands and frequent security updates, as well as to work seamlessly across different devices, including laptops and small sensors connected to the Internet.

Sundar Pichai, general manager of Google, explained that Google was an artificial intelligence company in the first place. The company was oriented towards artificial intelligence services that reach consumers all over the world, but his main operating system, He has dozens of hardware manufacturers, not in line with him.

Google started in 2016 to release the source code online quietly, and allowed developers of external applications to experiment with open source code parts, and discussed members of the plan of 39, Fuchia team. Pixels and smart home speakers, as well as other devices based on Android and other Chrome named operating systems.

Engineers said that they wanted to include Fuchsia on connected home appliances such as sound-controlled speakers, then switch to larger devices such as laptops within three years, where the Team is finally aspiring to replace the Android system. More than three quarters of the world's smartphones are in Fuchia, with a fixed date to achieve this goal.

The information shows that Sondar Pichai and his deputy Hiroshi Lockheimer, responsible for the Android and Chrome systems, have not yet signed any roadmap for Fuchia, believing that any Android repair plan should be handled with Precaution because of the support of the operating system for dozens of hardware manufacturing companies, thousands of developers and billions of dollars of portable advertising. Android is also increasingly being watched by regulators, causing legal problems to the company, which means that all changes will be closely monitored. European regulators have fined $ 5 billion on Google for antitrust issues. Google has its mobile system to deploy its services.

Fuchia faces serious differences within Google in terms of design and publishing, particularly in terms of privacy. In general, Fuchia refers to Fuchia as a free approach to creative products. In terms of innovation, "the company explained in 2015 that it was not planning to replace its Chrome operating system with the Android system.

The Fuchia system is more than just a single system. a simple test for the company: Sundar Pichai expressed his support for the project internally and today employs more than 100 people, including experienced engineers such as Matias Duarte, Pilot Projects in Google. [19659002] The project aims to better compete with Apple's iOS operating system: although the Android market share is 85%, Apple's power is exercising in areas such as performance, privacy and security …

Another key feature is that most iPhone phone users update their phones quickly when Apple launches a new version of its iPhone & iPad system. Exploitation, whereas less than 10% of the users of 39, Android do it, The new version of the system only reaches a small portion of Android users.

Google is relying on phone makers to provide operating system updates and regular security updates for Android devices, but these partners do not have much incentive to deploy the latest version of the operating system similar to Google.

Research giants recently attempted to solve this problem by amending their agreement with phone manufacturers in May to force them to provide security updates several times a year.

There is evidence that the Fuchia system includes more stringent security measures because engineers build encrypted user keys in the system, a privacy tool that ensures the protection of information every time the system is updated.

Experienced people like Nick Kralevich, the nine-year-old chief architect of safety and security of Android, who moved to Fushia in January, were also hired.

The Android system is not designed to handle the types of voice applications, which Google sees as the future of computing, so that Fuchia is primarily developed to interact with the sound.

The design of the new system is more flexible in terms of adapting to different screen sizes, in an attempt to accommodate new products such as TVs, cars and refrigerators, the products that Google is trying to deploy its operating system.

The company should solve some internal problems of the system Some of the principles sought by the developers of Fuchia conflict with the business model of the company Google's advertising activities depend on the ability to target users according to their location and their activity. This goes against the business model, which means that there is a conflict between the advertising team and the engineering team about the security functions and the confidentiality of the newborn operating system.

The abandonment of Android and Chrome may lead to other risks: a large number of independent developers and device manufacturers such as Samsung, Huawei and LG trust the system Android. Web handhelds called ChromeBooks are used in many schools and institutions, and Google can not simply disable support for Android and Chrome. [Android9002] Another problem that needs to be solved is that Android and Chrome are based on the Linux operating system: the Linux kernel is the central part of Google's current operating systems, while Fuchia uses a Different kernel called Zircon, which avoids several technologies In Linux, this can make some devices incompatible.

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