Mobile Phones and Cancer .. Read More

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The British Observer published an article last week that cited links between mobile phone use and cancer.

However, physicists and cancer doctors quickly confirmed that the document had misinterpreted the "cell phone". Study, The existence of evidence to date indicates a direct link between radiotherapy, emitted by phones and cancer, according to the British newspaper "The Guardian".

The results of a previous study conducted in the mouse, that rad frequencies the intensity of the incidence of brain cancer was slightly higher in another group that had no radiation exposure.

However, it is strange that rats exposed to intense radio frequencies have lived longer longer than those in the second group.

Experts warn against the danger of falling into doubtful inferences in some studies and amplify the results of other studies, which may help to warn against inappropriate use of the technology.

Up to now, study the answer to the question: Do you get low frequencies?

Global studies conducted in this regard have not allowed to reach a consensus, which is consistent on this issue

The World Health Organization says that "a big number of studies have been conducted over the last two decades ". Assess whether mobile phones pose potential health risks. Until now, no adverse health effects have been identified due to the use of a mobile phone.

Since the early 1990s, the use of mobile phones has grown exponentially and the number of cancer patients has increased. But in the absence of scientific evidence.

On the other hand, some scientists point out the danger of radiation from light phones, especially the invisible ones, because these lamps have a frequency of energy sufficient to disassemble chemical bonds, causing damage DNA

Scientists call this type of lighting "radiation that can lead to cancer because high-energy ultraviolet rays stimulate skin cancer by permanent damage to DNA.


The British newspaper The Observer published an article last week (19659001), but physicists and cancer doctors quickly confirmed that the document had misinterpreted the study, in the absence of evidence to date suggesting a direct link between cancer and cancer.Radio-radiation, emitted by phones and cancer, according to the newspaper "Gh

The results of a previous study at l A mouse showed that the intense radio frequencies that were raised had a slightly higher incidence of brain cancer in another group that had no radiation.

But it is strange that the rats, The intensive radio has lived longer than those of the second group. This is why doctors always insist on the need to take each case separately and not to generalize.

Experts warn against falling into doubtful inferences of some studies and amplify the results of other studies.

The studies conducted in this regard did not produce a consensus, which is consistent on this issue.

"A lot of studies have been conducted over the years," says the WHO. "In the early 1990s, the use of mobile phones in the world has increased significantly, and the number of mobile phones has increased significantly, Cancer patients have increased over the same period, d & # 39; 39, where the connection between many phones and the disease, but without providing scientific evidence.

However, some scientists point out the seriousness of the radiation of the lighting of phones, especially invisible, The lights have a frequency of & 39; Sufficient energy to disassemble chemical bonds, causing p

Scientists call this type of ionizing radiation illumination, which can lead to cancer.High-energy ultraviolet radiation stimulates skin cancer by permanent damage to DNA.

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