How to check the power of Pokemon?


The Pokemon Go game contains many different values, which show information on the power of Pokemon, such as contest points and strengths, and the white arc above the Pokémon also indicates the power pocket monsters. The individual values ​​for Pokemon Go fans provide more information about Pokemon in terms of attack, defense and endurance, and a test estimate can be shown by the function. evaluation in the application.

Internet has many calculators, Near the Pokémon ideal values, and there is a calculator on the site "", but the user must enter the name of the Pokémon and different values ​​such as the points of contest, and then the application calculates the effectiveness of the Evoli Pokémon and Carbador's percentage. Bo Kimon is stronger and more efficient.

Game fans may also use calculators on other websites such as "" or "".

On the other hand, applications that check Pokemon Automatically because these applications violate the terms and conditions of Pokemon Goo and may block users.


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Source: News 24

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