Scientists discover "aspects of life" on the moon

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Posted in the journal Astro Biological, to the existence of simple life on the moon between 3.5 and 4 billion years ago, according to Sky News.

The study was completed with the collaboration of the astronomy researcher at Washington State University, professor

The scientific paper states that the moon emitted very hot emissions of flue gases, as well as water vapor, and in this particular period, life is likely to be born in the attack.

Makosh "as long as" We believe that there was life on the moon as we would have thought that she had been inhabited for at least a short period."

In addition, scientists say that the Moon was The magnetosphere is formed during the interaction of charged particles such as the solar wind with a magnetic field of a planet or other object .

Makosh adds that it is very likely that life began on the Moon as on Earth. Especially in terms of proliferation of molecules.

According to current scientific estimates, the oldest evidence of life on Earth dates back to 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago, when an explosion of the solar system occurred across meteorites.


The study, published in Astro Biology, on the moon between 3.5 and 4 billion years ago, according to Sky News.

The study was completed with the collaboration of the astronomer of the Washington State University, Professor Dirk Schulz Makos and London University researcher Jan Crawford.] The scientific paper says that the moon emitted very hot emissions of fustyle gas, as well as water vapor, and in this particular period, is likely to develop life on

"As long as the liquid water is detected in the moon and has an early and long atmosphere, we believe that there was life on the moon as we would have probably been busy for at least a short time, "says Professor McCush. , scientists say that the moon had a magnetic envelope similar to the planet and that the magnetically enveloped Tick ​​is formed during the interaction of charged particles such as the solar wind with the magnetic field of a planet or any other object.

Makosh adds Life began on the Moon as on Earth, especially in terms of the proliferation of molecules.

The oldest evidence of life on the planet dates from 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago, when there was an explosion in the solar system through meteorites.

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