Japanese company embossed the names of the bride in space


A Japanese company has announced a service that allows the bride and groom to give their name in a unique way, by engraving them on titanium plates and sending them in space, according to the website "Sky News Arabia" which quotes The Daily Mail Journal The initiative was launched in cooperation with a wedding hotel in Tsukuba, East Japan.

The hotel guests, whose name is unknown, can enjoy unprecedented benefit for only $ 270. The names of the two wives are engraved on titanium sheets not exceeding 8 millimeters long, and the plates are then added to a small satellite. The satellite will then be transported to the ISS via a refueling vehicle allowing scientists to launch into the station.

Warp Spice CEO in Japan, Toshihiro Kamida, said customers would receive a photo of the named satellite in the space. Interstellar. He pointed out that his company is looking to delight ordinary people, especially that space is always associated with the mind at high prices. The Japanese company is expected to start the booking process soon, but the launch of the satellite will only take place next year.


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