A set of paid games on the Google Play Store and the App Store for free and for a limited time – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

If you are looking for a new set of games, whether you are on iOS or Android, you can find a set of paid games on the App Store and Google Play for free for a limited time. We will show you this set of games. It's a good idea to download what you want as quickly as possible. Each game has a specific time to download it for free.

If you are looking for a new set of games, whether you are on iOS or Android, you can find a set of paid games on the App Store and Google Play for free for a limited time. We will show you this set of games. It's a good idea to download what you want as quickly as possible. Each game has a specific time to download it for free.

Hitman Sniper

This game was developed by Square Enix Montreal and includes two modes: the first is the Montenegrin style, the main game and the second is Death Valley..

For the Montenegro style, your main task is to kill 10 key targets, but the actual number of people you can kill can reach 150, and you can buy new weapons with the funds collected.

Death Valley is a personal protection called Ben, who is trying to repair his car and is attacked by a lot of zombies.The game is available for free on the Android system on the Google Play Store and is not available for free.


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Is a puzzle game, each level of the game contains a set of balls that must reach the diamond, and the player uses different triangles to change the angle and trajectory of the ball to reach the end point, and a day to be available for free at the Google Play store. Downloaded from.

Black Metal Man

Your main task in this game is to help the Norwegian black metal to escape the light, to reach the depths of hell, to drive a motorcycle to overcome these obstacles, the game offers an excellent soundtrack and it does not only 9 hours on the Google Play Store, and you can Download from.

Dungeon Defense

If you are a fan of RPG games, you must try this game. Its story is that you play with a group of villains trying to protect the last dungeon in the world against all the heroes trying to invade it. Just click on the screen to launch the launch.

After each stage of the game, you can gain experience, learn new skills and reap more loot. Only two days are available for the availability of this game for each system and

Warhammer: Wheel of Fate

You can say that this game of endless sprinters games, and its history, aim to kill the engineer who faces you on the way with a car like a deadly hamster wheel, where you can command and kill various enemies and download them here, both for the system and for the.


Games are interesting puzzles and you need to create colorful sequences by drawing a line connecting colored shapes. This game relies on patience, precision and fast reflexes, and you can download it here for both the system and the game. the.

Game lines

Games are also puzzles, and the idea of ​​this game is that the color that controls the race is the one that wins, and the game contains about 250 levels, 5 different modes, and you can download them here at once. for the system and.


Puzzle games are also exotic and exciting. Your task is to align mirrors, switches, and other items to make these objects rich to each other. You can perform a defined number of moves at each level and download them from here to the system.

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