Video Discover a serious flaw in the latest phones, "Huawei"


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The latest Huawei phone failed a simple face recognition system test that made it easier to open the device, although 3D technology was designed to make it almost impossible.

According to the GSM Arena website, German technology expert Stephan Hergit conducted an experiment demonstrating the fragility of the Huawei Mate 20 Pro facial recognition system.

According to Sky News Arabia, Hergit used a friend to try to open the same phone by scanning each of them, although only one was recorded on the device.

The Mate 20 Pro, called "supernatural phone," uses a three-dimensional opening mechanism for the face. Its error rate should theoretically be about one in a million.

The experimenters are not twins, nor brothers, but only two short-haired men, wearing glasses, but it was not very important in facial recognition, ignoring all these differences and opening the device.

To ensure the same result, the reporter and his friend have replicated the experience on another device of the same model to achieve the same frustrating result, namely that the phone is easily porous.

Hergat broadcast a video of the experience, while Huawei called for an explanation of this serious security breach.

The reporter said he hoped that the problem would depend on the software update, not the device itself, which puzzles the company's procedures for testing the various telephony technologies before their release. marketing.

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