Study: Muslim prayer and its impact on bones and joints


We have always considered Muslims or prayers as a food for the soul and not only for the movements we perform, but also for the treatment of many mental illnesses. This is a new study that adds benefits to prayer through the movements we perform.

Muslim prayer and its impact on bones and joints:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – According to a US study, frequent daily physical activity by Muslims as part of their five daily prayers can reduce the risk of lower back pain.

This study also revealed that Muslim silent prayer not only reduced physical tension, but that knee and back posture, kneeling and prostrate, could be an effective medical treatment.

Details of the study:

The study, conducted by Binghamton University in New York State, relies on computer-generated human models for men and women in India, America, and Asia to produce a prayer effect on the lower back.

Muhammad Khasawneh, one of the researchers involved in the study, said that these movements performed by Muslims in prayer can be seen as yoga movements or physical therapy exercises used to treat pain in the body. lower back.

"Prayer can eliminate physical pressure and anxiety," he said. "Research also suggests that ritual prayer can be an effective remedy for dysfunction of the human muscular system."

Result of the study:

The study showed that prostration in prayer can help increase flexibility of the joints, but the use of prostration angles or the execution of movements generally in the wrong direction can cause more pain.

In the same context, researchers indicated that more research was needed to identify the effects of prayer movements on people with physical disabilities, as well as on pregnant women, in order to obtain the best performance model.

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