"Health" confirms free poliomyelitis in Egypt: we provided 19 million doses in 2017


Asma Sorour:

Posted in:
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 – 5:44 pm
| Last update:
Wednesday, October 24, 2018 – 5:44 pm

• "Global Health" has recorded 22 cases of HIV infection in the region during the period of this year

The world is celebrating today the World Polio Day, which takes place every year on October 24 and puts an end to poliomyelitis. It aims to raise awareness about the eradication of polio and celebrate the efforts of thousands of WHO employees and other dedicated volunteers. Eradication of poliomyelitis.

A source close to the Ministry of Health said that the ministry is continuing its efforts to ensure that Egypt is polio-free, the last confirmed case of polio in Egypt in 2004, and that Egypt has declared polio-free in 2006 by the World Health Organization.

The source emphasized in a statement to Al-Shorouq that mandatory vaccinations for children were done on time, as well as immunization-limited immunizations that target a number of governorates in accordance with the ministry's plan in this regard.

The Ministry of Health and Population announced that the Ministry of Health and Population had announced the provision of 19 million doses of vaccines among compulsory immunizations for children in all governorates of Egypt during of the year 2017, highlighting that the ministry was using tasters approved by the World Health Organization and that it was being reviewed by a reference laboratory of the Organization to ensure the quality , safety and taste.

The source said that in July a new dose of polio vaccine "Solk" had been injected into the muscle to boost immunity of children against the second type of virus, in children aged 4 months, noting that 7 doses had been prescribed to the child 18 months, in addition to the national and limited campaigns organized by the ministry throughout the year.

In the same vein, the World Health Organization (WHO) said in its report that polio is the most debilitating of children for thousands of years and that it is the only one in the world. World Health Assembly, held in 1988, put the ministers of health of the WHO Member States to eradicate poliomyelitis. This was at a time when the number of polio cases was estimated at 350,000 in 125 countries.

The organization has confirmed the transmission of wild poliovirus at its lowest rate in history: only 15 cases were reported in 2017 (10 in Afghanistan and 5 in Pakistan), a decrease of 99, 9% since 1988.

Dr Ahmed El-Maqri, WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, said that WHO's polio eradication team in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, in collaboration with national governments and partners of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, had gradually cleaned up companies in the region, with the exception of some pockets. Located in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"The past year was marked by 22 cases of wild poliovirus, although this figure represents a remarkable improvement over a few years ago, it remains a significant figure for us in the context of our goal of reducing the incidence of wild poliovirus. Incidence of this disease to zero.And we can not accept any other scenario.

"Zeroing polio cases is very expensive, very stressful and often frustrating, but one thing is certain: the return of polio and its spread back to our villages, our cities, our communities and everywhere else we have been able to clean them during a long process of constant struggle.

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