90% of the UAE population suffers from vitamin D deficiency


Dubai: Iman Abdullah Al Ali

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) found that 90% of the UAE population was vitamin D deficient and that women were more vulnerable. The FDA has confirmed that foods containing dyes and preservatives, made from these agents, cause cancer if done too much, the tubular household diet has benefited 150 patients.
Wafaa Ayesh, director of the Department of Clinical Nutrition at the Dubai International Conference on Nutrition, said that 90% of the UAE population is deficient in vitamin D, that women are more affected, that vitamin D is effective and that the deficit is compensated. This is based on the color of the skin. People with fair skin should be exposed to 20 minutes of sun and 30 minutes of brown skin, with 40% of the body exposed to the sun. Noting that vitamin deficiencies lead to diabetes, osteoporosis, emaciation, muscle weakness and cancer. She stressed the need for everyone to periodically check the proportion of vitamin "D" in the blood.
She explained that vitamin deficiencies had several causes, including insufficient exposure to the sun, and that aging reduced the underlying substance of vitamin D in the skin and its poor absorption in the small intestine due to disease. Weight gain causes fat accumulation and low vitamin content in breast milk.
She added that the American Academy of Children recommends giving vitamin D at 2 months, liver patients, kidneys, malnourished children, those who use drugs for epilepsy and diseases Genetics in children due to increased excretion of phosphate in the kidneys.
The high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in the community, especially among women and children, requires as early as possible early diagnosis, and public health campaigns must be launched to educate the public and demand that health, This article important to fight this shortage, and health authorities to develop new strategies to combat this shortage, by adding vitamin D in the various food products that all age groups can consume.
It revealed that the home tube distribution service benefited 150 patients, intended for patients with major operations, seniors and homeowners of concern, as well as for all the transformation of health conditions without eating in the usual way, from resellers to the Commission. Explain that the body provided a lot of time and effort to the patients and the public of the resellers.
She underscored the importance of this important conference, while the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that progress was slow in achieving results commensurate with the ambition to address global nutrition challenges: 151 million children under five were under the age of five, Due to malnutrition, compared to 165 million children in 2012, the majority of them are in Asia and in Africa.

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