The elimination of breast cancer is on Facebook to raise awareness


An American woman underwent surgery to remove a malignant tumor from a breast. This operation was broadcast to his followers on Facebook to sensitize women.
Sonia Johnson, 50, was diagnosed with breast cancer last December and was operated on Friday to remove the malignant tumor from her breast.

Studies show that one in eight women in the US has breast cancer at some point in her life, but prior screening and appropriate treatment can save their lives, which has pushed Sonia to spread her surgery to more than 25,000 people on Facebook. In the hope of sensitizing women to the need to undergo periodic examinations to detect the disease.

If breast cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, the patient will likely be eligible for life-saving surgery.If cancer is detected in the early stage, the survival rate is about 100% during first five years.

If the discovery of the disease is delayed in the second stage, the cancer remains latent in the breast or begins to spread to the lymph nodes, the survival rate remains high, up to 93%, and in the third stage, the rate drops to 72%, but it is possible Treatment of the disease.

The chances of survival are greatly reduced during the fourth stage to 22%, where cancer has spread to areas beyond the body, according to the Daily Mail.

By doing this, Sonia hopes to motivate more women to undergo tests, which will increase the chances of survival if the disease is detected early.

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