These are scary facts about industrial proteins!


Young people agree to take industrial proteins as supplements to develop their muscles. However, these proteins can be very dangerous for health and cause huge problems, so experts advise to think carefully before resorting to protein powder.

If you are taking protein supplements regularly, on the recommendation of a sports trainer, you must be very careful and you could be exposed to serious risks to your health in the long run. Although all protein supplements are harmless, they will really help you if you follow the expert's recommendations, but you must pay close attention to selecting the right protein, carefully reading the contents of the powder before you buy it, otherwise you destroy your body instead of building it. According to information provided by the newspaper "Times of India" and other sites.

Hormones: Studies suggest that some protein powder products contain recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST), which can be harmful to cows and humans. This is dangerous for the reproductive system and the digestive system and negatively affects blood cell levels, according to the transfer of "Food Security Center". So be careful and read the content before you buy.

Aspartame: An industrial protein can also cause nausea, dizziness, migraines, insomnia, or even diabetes, as well as obesity if it contains aspartame, an artificial sweetener used instead of sugar to improve taste, according to a publication of the site "Cymex Nutrition" German Training.

Lactose: It is known that lactose is harmful to health and allows harmful substances to enter your blood. In fact, all proteins and powders contain a large amount of lactose, which can harm your body even if you are not allergic to lactose. According to the American Times Food website. The problem is that industrial protein manufacturers do not pay much attention to the amount of lactose contained in their industrial materials, according to the German Goro Protein website.

Manufacturing: The whey protein powder is obtained by separating the whey from the pasteurized milk, then dried and packaged. This whole process destroys the nutritional value and, instead of giving your body advantages, you risk damaging your body with these substances.

Absence of saturated fats: The absence of saturated fats in industrial proteins can lead to problems such as arrhythmia, eye and bone problems, autoimmune disorders, thyroid problems and kidney problems.

Experts therefore recommend that the expert's recommendations be followed with caution and that it is better to avoid using industrial proteins and natural foods.

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