Leumia 640 Leaks Reveal secondary display with electronic ink cover – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

The latest leaks on Twitter have recently revealed that a model designed for the Lumia 640 comes with a second electronic ink screen in the phone cover.

The latest leaks on Twitter have recently revealed that a model designed for the Lumia 640 comes with a second electronic ink screen in the phone cover.

aligncenter full-size wp-image-216772 "src =" data: image64; /uploads/Lumia-640-prototype.png "width =" 940 "height =" 468 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/Lumia-640- prototype.png 940w, https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/Lumia-640-prototype-300x149.png 300w, https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/ uploads / Lumia-640-prototype-768x382.png 768w, https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/Lumia-640-prototype-50x25.png 50w, https: //www.unlimit- tech.com/wp-content/uploads/Lumia-640-prototype-700x350.png 700w "data-lazy-sizes =" (maximum width: 940 pixels), 100vw, 940 pixels

The software giant continues to develop smartphones up to now, the new leaks revealing a model for the Lumia 640 phone.

While mobile giants are turning to folding phones, other companies are developing versions of smartphones with a secondary display, including the ZTE Axon M phone, and Microsoft with the Lumia phone model 640.

The Lumia 640 comes with a secondary display that works as an electronic ink reader and comes in a phone shell. This design is designed to help users with a phone offering more features and a convenient design.

aligncenter full-size wp-image-216776 "src =" data: image64; /uploads/Microsofts-prototype-smartphone-secondary-display-with-e-ink-cover.png "width =" 940 "height =" 627 "data-lazy-srcset =" https: //www.unlimit-tech. http://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/Microsofts-prototype -smartphone-display-secondary-with-e-ink-cover-300x200.png 300w, https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/Microsofts-prototype-smartphone-secondary-display-display- with-e-ink-cover-768x512.png 768w, https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/Microsofts-prototype-smartphone-secondary-display-with-e-ink-cover-50x33 .png 50w "data-lazy-sizes =" (maximum width: 940 pixels) 100vw, 940 pixels

The secondary e-ink screen is built into the phone shell but has no touch function. Five touch buttons are added at the bottom of the screen to control the screen of the e-ink reader, which is also connected to the second screen via connectors that pass through the cover slots between the two monitors. .

Microsoft also offers this phone with a soft fabric cover with a separate technology, which supports the efficient operation of monitors.

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